Wednesday, October 27

Informal vs Formal Diction

         Goodness gracious this here week had not been a bundle er joy fur me. I have not been thur most cumfortable considerin that I have got all this here homework to do. I reckon that I have had more than ya’ll can imagine. I can’t wait till this weeken gets here. I got me so many plans! It’ll be so much fun! I’m gonna be hootin and holleran my way to the movies and the mall. But this week is not in my fava. You wana know why? Well, it has to do with the fact that I’ve a gotten too many papers here to work on. My classes have been gettin longa and longa since school started. I’va got more work and less time to do things. But I guess that’s the way high school goes. I havent gotten much sleep for the past few nighs becuz I’ve been workin my tail bone off just tryin to get all my work dun. Is not an easy task, to get everythin dun in time.
          Today, as I was gettin on the bus, a major headache just hit me like a hurricane hits a town. I just wanted to get back home and rest till it was ova. But this here bus was not helpin my headache at er, it was loud an noisy an it started to smell bad. I just about felt like gettin off ther bus and walkin home from the next stop. I stayed an closed my eyes and just waited. Waited fur that bus to come to my stop wher I could happily get off. Finally, fresh air at last, I walked into my house and starded to ger goin on my homework. Well I better hit the hay, its gettin late an I still gotta lotta work to do. Good nigh, sleep tigh, don you let those bed bugs bite ya’ll hear? Nighty night.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about that headache... Yah...I don't think a bus with a bunch of high scholars would help you cure them darn headaches... I lurve your tone in this here's post... haha see you later.
    Rachel Stanley :)
