Sunday, May 1

Romeo And Juliet

          Honestly I absolutely love reading the book in class. I get way way way more out of it and understand everything better. I don't know why but that's how I am with all books. Even the discussions from Great Expectations where better than not talking about the book at all.
          I can connect with the whole parent thing. I would rather have my friends come ask me whats wrong compared to my parents because it is so much easier telling them things that are going on, hard things and etc. There are also just some stuff that you don't tell your parents. You friends are there to support you and your parents as well but it is more difficult to let your parents know whats bothering you. Its nice to have your parents wonder if your okay but if they are on your case all the time about everything it is wonderful to get a break from all their nagging or reminders or "helpful" advice on everything that you do. My parents are mostly always wanting to know whats going on with me, how my day goes, what goes on, to fix something if I mess up and more! Its nice to know that they care but sometimes I just feel overwhelmed by their caring. This kinda relates to the fact that their parents do care about them but not enough to talk to them face to face. I think that they want their parents to show their concern more than through someone else. I love that my parents care for me but they care in uneven areas. I wish that they would care about the things that are important to me rather in some areas where I wish that they could cool off.
          Reading on my own... I'm okay with it. The words on the side help but when we read it aloud in class and when you point out things, I get it almost 100%. It helps me out so much. I do read at home and I can decipher the material but when we do it in class, it helps me catch important or funny concepts that I didn't on my own. I'd say that yes it is getting easier but that is because of the class work.That goal is defiantly being met for me, I mean it helps me out so much and I can't say it any simpler than that. I am not getting any other outside help besides the information on the left pages. Sometimes I will read out loud and that just makes it enjoyable for me because it's like my own little play and I can make voices and etc, and I am a dork in that way where I would read the lines as if I was acting it out. I also will read to my little sister but they don't get it so they end up walking away :/ but oh well (:

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